Thursday, February 12, 2009

Out of this world shapes!

Students used geometric shapes to create one of a kind robots and rockets. They are designed to help kids out. Here are some of the ideas the students had..."my robot is mad because people are polluting the water!" "I designed my robot to play basketball and I love it. And I thought it would look cool." "My robot diver dived and saved somebody. He is a water police."
Very CREATIVE second and third graders!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Grandparents Day!

Students have been thinking about their grandparents and grandfriends in art. When asked what they will be like when they are a grandparent the kids responded in some very thoughtful ways.
Here are some quotes from some of our students:

When I am a grandparent I will....
"wait for them at the stoplight. Hold their hand across the street. Put them right next to me."-second grader

"I will cook"-kindergartener

"I will try to buy a moter scoter. I'll use it to visit my grandkids. I hope I'll be as good as you are! -second grader

"if i were a grandparent I would want to live next to grandkids. I would like to play with them. I would have them over every chance I had." -second grader

"When I am a grandma I will help my grandchildren be better in school. And love them."-first grader

"I will do anything for my grandchildren. -Second grader

Here are some funnies...on the 100th day of school I asked some 1st graders what they would look like when
they are 100 years old. Here is what they said: